Call for Papers

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The ICA Commission on Location Based Services and Technische Universität Wien are pleased to invite you to contribute to the 15th International Conference on Location Based Services (LBS 2019).

Participants and Focus

Built on the success of previous conferences in this series, LBS 2019 is addressed to scholars, researchers, digital industry / market operators, and students of different backgrounds (scientific, engineering and humanistic) whose work is either focused on or relevant to location based services (LBS). The conference will offer a common ground to colleagues from various disciplines and practice where they can meet, interact and exchange knowledge, experience, plans and ideas on how LBS can and could be improved and on how it will influence both science and society.


We invite contributions in the following areas (but not limited to):

  • Ubiquitous positioning
    • Outdoor and indoor positioning
    • Multi-sensor system and sensor fusion
  • Context modelling and context-awareness
    • Smart environments and ambient spatial intelligence
    • Indoor spatial data modelling and mapping
    • Semantic data models for LBS
    • Context modelling, personalisation and context-aware adaptation
  • Mobile user interface and interaction
    • Visualisation techniques for LBS
    • Mobile human-computer interaction
    • Augmented reality
  • Analysis of LBS-generated data
    • LBS, crowdsourcing, and volunteered geographic information (VGI)
    • Geotagged big data
    • Computational mobility and activity analysis
  • User studies and evaluation
    • Evaluation methodologies for LBS
    • User experiences of LBS
    • Mobile spatial cognition
  • Social and behavioural implications of LBS
    • Privacy
    • Legal, ethical and business aspects in LBS
  • Innovative LBS and applications
    • Smart cities and transportation
    • Mobile healthcare
    • Location based social networks and games
    • Digital humanities
    • LBS in the era of autonomous vehicles and artificial intelligence


We invite the following types of contributions:

Full papers – to present significant scientific results. Full papers will be double-blind peer-reviewed. High-quality submissions will be accepted for presentation at the conference and published in the Advances in Cartography and GIScience of the ICA Series, which are open-access. The program committee may decide to accept full paper submissions as work-in-progress papers instead. Manuscripts must describe original work that has neither been published before, nor is currently under review elsewhere. Papers must be written in English according to the ICA Word or LaTex template, and must not exceed 8 pages (including title, figures and references). Full papers must be submitted in PDF format through the Easychair website by 15 June 2019 (extended) 1 June 2019.

Work in progress – to present ongoing work. Short papers will be double-blind peer-reviewed. Work-in-progress papers should include succinct and sufficient information about research objectives, significance, method, and preliminary or expected findings. If accepted, you are either invited to give an oral or a poster presentation at the conference (decision by the program committee). Your work-in-progress paper will be published in the online proceedings of the conference (with an ISBN). Work-in-progress papers (up to 5 pages, including title, figures and references) must be written in English using the LBS 2019 Word or LaTex template, and submitted through the Easychair website by 30 July 2019 (extended) 15 July 2019.

Showcases – live presentations of research prototypes and products. Showcase abstracts will be reviewed by the PC chairs and, if accepted, published in the online proceedings of the conference. Showcase abstracts (up to 2 pages, using the LBS 2019 Word or LaTex template) must be written in English and submitted via email to by 15 September 2019. Besides an introduction to the topic and project presented, showcase submissions must also include a description of the live presentation, including hardware and software used, space requirements, as well as information on what conference attendees will be able to see and try out during the demo session.

The best accepted full and work-in-progress papers will be invited to submit an extended version to the Journal of Location Based Services by Taylor & Francis.

Please note that when submitting your contribution through the Easychair website, you should indicate the category (Full papers, Work in progress, or showcases) you want to submit.

Please make sure that full paper and work-in-progress paper submissions are anonymized:
Do not include any information that could reveal your identity. The title section of your manuscript should not contain any author names, email addresses, or affiliation status. In the body of your submission, eliminate all direct references to your own previous work, i.e., you must discuss your own previous work as if it had been written by somebody else. Please do not disproportionately cite your own previous work. Thank you!